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Este es el baño del centro deportivo público del que hablaba el otro día
Il s'agit des bains du centre sportif dont je parlais l'autre jour.
Todas mis fotos están tomadas con cámara analógica: las imágenes de este blog son diapositivas o negativos (y, algunas veces, copias) escaneados con un escaner casero básico y normalmente, no uso ningún post-tratamiento
Toutes me photos sont prises avec un appareil argentique: les images de ce blog sont des diapositives ou des négatifs (et, quelquefois, des copies) scannés avec un scanner domestique basique et normalement, je n'utilise aucun post-traitement.
All my pictures are taken with an analogic camera: the images of this blog are home-scaned slides or negatives (and sometimes, copies) and, I don't use any post-processing.
@dj.tigersprout: I didn't nothing...the processing is an urban speculation one, not mine :). The disarray, have you say, is in fact very tidy: this is the bath an old sport public center in the beach of Malaga neglected for the town council and in a process of privatization (they are building a new and privet sport-complex center now).
Thanks for your remark dj.
@Foto-aksent: Yes, indeed, it's in a sport center in a beach of Malaga -abandoned from many years...today a privet firm is building a new "sport complex center" to "revitalizing" the zone!!